Are there running gait abnormalities associated with running injuries? A recent study by Bramah set about to examine this question. 72 injured runners & 36 controls had their running gait analysed & then compared the two groups.âŁ
What did they find?âŁ
Injured runners demonstrated:âŁ
đ¤Greater contralateral pelvic drop & forward trunk lean at midstance, âŁ
đ¤Landed with a more extended knee & dorsiflexed ankle at initial contact. âŁ
These kinematic patterns were consistent across each of the 4 injured subgroups (patellofemoral pain, ITB syndrome, medial tibial stress syndrome & Achilles tendinopathy). âŁ
Pelvic drop was found to be the most important variable predicting the classification of participants as healthy or injured. Importantly, for every 1° increase in pelvic drop, there was an 80% increase in the odds of being classified as injured.âŁ
đWhat are the limitations to this research?âŁ
Firstly this study was done retrospectively, so we can't conclusively say that the changes in running gait CAUSED their injury.âŁ
đKey takeawaysâŁ
Running gait analysis should form a PART in the holistic approach to running-related injuries.âŁ
If you are suffering from running injuries, and need your running gait assessed, please don't hesitate to contact us atâŁ
đBramah, C., et al. (2018). "Is There a Pathological Gait Associated With Common Soft Tissue Running Injuries?" Am J Sports Med: 363546518793657