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  • Writer's pictureLuke Nelson

What type of Running Program is for you? Generic vs Customised

When training for a race, it's vital to have a plan. With a multitude of options, we discuss the PRO's & CON'S of generic vs customised running programs.

Generic program


  • Cost-effective (They are often free)

  • More structure than weekly improvisation or scattered sessions in group settings


  • May begin at a level that is too advanced, or below the current fitness level

  • Lack of flexibility to arrange around individual circumstances

  • Lack of feedback on your progress & inability to ask questions

Who is a generic program best suited for?

  • Someone who has run a number of races over the distance

  • Someone who is currently financially limited

Recommended generic programs

Customised program from a coach


  • Individualized to your needs (Eg. Training availability, available equipment/facilities, personal preferences)

  • Targeted to improve the individual’s strengths and weaknesses (Eg. Injuries, strength, mobility, fitness levels)

  • A coach keeps you accountable & you can skip the trial and error process by learning from them


  • A larger financial investment

Who is a customised program best suited for?

  • Someone who is managing or returning from an injury

  • Intermediate/advanced level runners who want to achieve their next PB

  • Beginners who want to safely increase their training and know they have a steep learning curve

  • Someone who wants to achieve their best and test their potential

Recommended coaching

  • Trang’s 1-1 coaching for running & strength training (online & in-person). Apply here to see if you’re a good fit to work together!


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